I am learning to: persuade my audience using persuasive writing
Are you sick and tired of eating the same old dinner? Your kids don’t even appreciate your hard work? But if you were cooking with bugs that wouldn’t happen! Well let's try some creepy crawly and gross looking bugs, you are probably thinking are you crazy, but really a lot people usually screw up there face and say ewwww! The real case is that people that have tried bugs actually like them. Fun fact that the insects don’t make greenhouse gasses like your cow and sheep, so you will also be saving the planet at the same time. So I want you to have a go about eating those bugs.
Slip, slop, yum yum in my tum, do you love tasty treats? I know I do! But do you know what's even better, well it would definitely be chocolate covered crickets, mealworm fries and scorpion lollipops and all the other yummy lollies. These slimy bugs might just look like yucky bugs just come from your garden (they aren’t, don’t take them out of your garden and eat them), but these bugs are healthy, so no need to feel guilty for gaining weight because they are yummy but also healthy. They also make great treats for kids and getting them to try new things, And great for on the go snacks.
Do you know what is high in protein and vitamins? If you guessed meat you would be right but in this case you are wrong. They always say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but in this case it would be a bug a day keeps the doctor away. Eating bugs is good for you in many ways high in calcium, full of vitamins and high in protein, do you see how healthy they are? Bugs can give you many ideas for you creative and healthy dinners, it will taste even better than KFC!!!
Chocolate, cookies and donuts, that is a way to start the day. But do you know that insects are a way better way to start your day and finish with dinner, well there are recipes from around the world you can go on your computer and search recipes from around the world like mealworm fries, cricket cookies, chocolate covered crickets, Bee-LT-es Sandwich, Wax worm tacos, Caramel cricket cheesecake just to name a few. Thailand, Mexico, China, Brazil and Australia are some of the countries in the kitchen cooking with insects.
As you can see that tasty treats and cooking with insects, and all those other healthy options with bugs. That is why I strongly agree with eating bugs they are a healthy food and they don't cause greenhouse gasses, that is why I strongly recommend insects for YOU!!